Jumaat, 30 Oktober 2009

..endless rain..

Endless Rain

music & words: yoshiki

I'm walking in the rain,
though everything seems to be hurting me for some reason.
There is only nothing.
Just kill me now ... as I roam forever.
Until I can forget your love.

To me sleep is a confusing, narcotic
that only quiets the beating heart.
All my love seems to flow from my body like a heart felt memory.
I keep my love for you to myself.

*Endless rain, fall on my heart In this wounded soul.
Let me forget, all of the hate, all of the sadness,

Days of joy, days of sadness slowly pass me by.
As I try to hold you, you are vanishing before me.
You're just an illusion.
When I am awake, my tears have dried in the sands of sleep.
I'm a rose blooming in the desert.

It's a dream, I'm in love with you.
Hold me warmly in your arms.
I awake from my dream
I can't find my way without you

The dream is over.
I can no longer hear the voice of your gentle words.
Floating off tear stained walls.
So awakening in the morning, I'll move into my dreams ...
until I can forget your love.

repeat *

Endless rain, fall on my heart, in this wounded soul.
Let me forget, all of the hate, all of the sadness.
Endless rain, let me stay a memory in your heart.
Let me take in your tears, take in your memories.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

..hatiku magik..

hatiku mcm david blaine..ea sungguh magik..semagik david blaine yg sugguh pakar dan terkenal dlm ahli silap mata..ya..mata ku memang silap ketika ini..mata urg lain sepatutnya sudah nyenyak lelap menanti ketibaan hari mataku?balik kpd kemagikan yg brlaku pd hatiku..waktu sepatut urg tdo hatiku pula mbuat magik..hatiku berkata2..kata2 yg tdak dpt dungkapkn melalui mulut..hanya hati yg dpt mluahkan..utak ini spatutnya sudah berehat..mengapa ea msih aktif berfikir..keadaan gelap gulita bilik tidak menyekat utak ku ntuk brfkir,malah makin memberangsangi..apa yg dfkir hnya trluah d hati..jika dpt drekod,ingin ku smpan dan dgrkan kpdnya..krna kata2 ini tdk trdaya ku luah melalui pancaindera ku ini..ku cuba lelap kn mata namun byangan mu brmain2 dminda ku..tdak reti kh byangan mu ntuk brehat sketika mbri pluangku ntuk merehatkn utak ku..bkn slh mu,bkn jua slh byangan mu..namun kita mnjd mangsa..mangsa keadaan..keadaan yg membuat kita rasa trsepit ntuk meneruskn kehidupan..rasa tdak puas ati dluah namun kau dan aku tahu masih ada yg trsisa..yg prlu dsimpan sbgi pnghias kejujuran..hari demi hari dlewati dgn kbahagian namun dliputi keresahan..kucuba kuburkn perasaan namun ea bangkit seperti roh2 jahat yg dpuja kluar dr kuburnya..klu lh hati ini dpt d reformat..klu lh dpt install anti virus..klu lh dpt upgrade rasa aku dh merepek!!